Dragon age city elf origins
Dragon age city elf origins

dragon age city elf origins

“The same.” The newcomer’s bearded face split in a wide grin. “Tanis?” said Flint hesitantly as the man neared. But no elf in the world of Krynn could grow a beard He was dressed in soft leather, carefully tooled in the intricate designs the elves loved.

dragon age city elf origins

A longbow was slung over one shoulder and a sword hung at his left side. All the dwarf could see of the man’s face beneath a green hood was tan skin and a brownish-red beard. The man’s walk was marked by an easy grace-an elvish grace, Flint would have said yet the man’s body had the thickness and tight muscles of a human, while the facial hair was definitely humankind’s. Standing, Flint drew back into the shadow of a tall pine to see better. He thought he saw the figure of a man striding up the path. If your Dragon Age Origins Warden was also Dalish, there's a bit more flavor and recognition thrown in when she/he contacts the Inquisition.Flint squinted into the setting sun. In Dragon Age Inquisition, any Elf character that you play (regardless of your class) is of Dalish origin. Merrill's initial awkwardness and discomfort around humans is explained when she describes how humans (Duncan) took her friend away from her years ago. She makes many references to 'Mahariel' and is another character that is personally acquainted with your DAO character during your DA2 playthrough. If you import a Dalish save into DA2, Merrill is more focused on your Warden than on Tamlen. There was unique interaction when meeting the Mage Circle as well, comparing Dalish mages to Circle mages. I used a mod that allowed me to pick 'Mage' while still playing as a Dalish elf.

dragon age city elf origins dragon age city elf origins

It really isn't much stronger storywise, but you have a bit more interesting interactions with Tuvoc's clan when you're sorting out the werewolves. I kind of like the Dalish Elf origin more. You cut your way in, or cut your way out, then make a very rigid moral choice at the end with absolutely no room for persuasion or diplomacy, and then you're done. Really kind of sets the tone for how elves are regarded by humans.Īn arranged marriage that your character is or is not down with (depending on your silent dialogue choices) is interrupted by some privileged prig.

Dragon age city elf origins